Friday 11 December 2015

Final Magazine Copy

Work-in-Progress Shots

These are my work-in-progress shots of my magazine copy. I found it quite hard to produce a magazine cover on Photoshop, so if i were to do this again, I would definitely do it on InDesign. I also think that I could have taken the pictures with a better quality camera. I used my iPhone 5C, so I could have used my Canon DSLR. 
Overall, I think this went well because I was able to produce a magazine copy that was of a good standard. I struggled to get the text right, because there wasn't an exact copy online that I could find and download; so I had to use another font, that I found online, which was as close to the original as I could possibly get it. 

Thursday 12 November 2015

Contact Sheet

This is my contact sheet of the photos i'm going to use for my magazine cover. I took several photos of the same position, this is because of the quality of my camera. I used my iPhone 5C to take the pictures, therefore taking several pictures of the same one would increase my chances of getting a better picture.
I have chosen to use the last picture, because it looks like the one I need for my magazine copy. I will have to edit the photos and make them black and white. I am planning to use either InDesign or Photoshop to edit these photos and produce my magazine cover.


Coverlines Brainstorm

uploaded asap.

Name Brainstorm

uploaded asap.